Installation instructions Extract the vbbridge folder on to your local machine. Upload this folder and its contents to your wp-contents/plugin directory. Go into your WP admin control panel and activate the plugin. Go to Settings -> Vbridge Settings Enter the RELATIVE path to your forum. Once you click submit you should see this message above the submit button: "Vbulletin has been located and is loaded into memory" If not then the script cannot find VB. Check your relative path and remember, this is not the complete path. The only time you would use the complete path is if your server does not allow access to the $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] variable. Once you get the "Vbulletin has been located and is loaded into memory" message, the product should be working. Now you need to map VB users. From the wordpress control panel, click users, then vbridge user settings. This will bring you to the screen where you can map VB user groups to WP user groups. You must complete this before moving to the next step. Wordpress Control Panel Access for VB Users This is somewhat stable but should be considered experimental. AFTER YOU FINISH the above and map out the users, open vbbridge.php and edit this line: Code: ##define('USE_ADMINCP_BRIDGE', true); Remove the comments so it looks like this: Code: define('USE_ADMINCP_BRIDGE', true); You could also add this line to the wp-config.php file if you do not want to have to do this for every upgrade. After you have finished this, you will then be able to log into the WP control panel with your VB credentials. If for some reason this does not work, just comment out the above line and your old WP login should work.