Описание ошибки Oracle : ORA-01010
"invalid OCI operation"
*Cause: One of the following:
1) You attempted an invalid OCI operation.
2) You are using an Oracle client application linked with
version 7.1 (or higher) libraries, the environment variable
ORA_ENCRYPT_LOGIN is set to TRUE, and you attempted to
connect to a version 7.0 (or lower) Oracle Server.
3) You are connected to a version 7.1 (or higher) Oracle Server,
the initialization parameter DBLINK_ENCRYPT_LOGIN is set to
TRUE, and you attempted to use a database link pointing to a
version 7.0 (or lower) Oracle Server.
4) You are connected to a version 9.0.2(or higher) Oracle Server
and you attempted to use a database link pointing to a version
9.0.1(or lower) Oracle Server for distributed autonomous
*Action: For the above causes:
1) Do not use the invalid OCI operation.
2) If you do not wish to use encrypted connect passwords in your
distributed database, set ORA_ENCRYPT_LOGIN to FALSE.
If you wish to use encrypted connect passwords, you must upgrade
all Oracle Servers to version 7.1 (or higher).
3) If you do not wish to use encrypted database links in your
distributed database, set DBLINK_ENCRYPT_LOGIN to FALSE.
If you wish to use encrypted database links, you must upgrade
all Oracle Servers to version 7.1 (or higher).
4) Do not attempt distributed autonomous transaction on version
9.0.1(or lower) Oracle Server.
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