Описание ошибки Oracle : ORA-12154

"TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified"
*Cause: A connection to a database or other service was requested using
a connect identifier, and the connect identifier specified could not
be resolved into a connect descriptor using one of the naming methods
configured. For example, if the type of connect identifier used was a
net service name then the net service name could not be found in a
naming method repository, or the repository could not be
located or reached.
- If you are using local naming (TNSNAMES.ORA file):
- Make sure that "TNSNAMES" is listed as one of the values of the
NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH parameter in the Oracle Net profile
- Verify that a TNSNAMES.ORA file exists and is in the proper
directory and is accessible.
- Check that the net service name used as the connect identifier
exists in the TNSNAMES.ORA file.
- Make sure there are no syntax errors anywhere in the TNSNAMES.ORA
file. Look for unmatched parentheses or stray characters. Errors
in a TNSNAMES.ORA file may make it unusable.
- If you are using directory naming:
- Verify that "LDAP" is listed as one of the values of the
NAMES.DIRETORY_PATH parameter in the Oracle Net profile
- Verify that the LDAP directory server is up and that it is
- Verify that the net service name or database name used as the
connect identifier is configured in the directory.
- Verify that the default context being used is correct by
specifying a fully qualified net service name or a full LDAP DN
as the connect identifier
- If you are using easy connect naming:
- Verify that "EZCONNECT" is listed as one of the values of the
NAMES.DIRETORY_PATH parameter in the Oracle Net profile
- Make sure the host, port and service name specified
are correct.
- Try enclosing the connect identifier in quote marks.

See the Oracle Net Services Administrators Guide or the Oracle
operating system specific guide for more information on naming.

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