with prod as (Select l.name as loc,l.id as idp,rep_getcardclasspath(cc.tree,1,1) as grp,c.article as art,replace(c.name,chr(9),' ')as naim ,nvl(ttr.quantity,0) as ttr,nvl(cusf_last_wiprice(c.article,l.id,'"+Begin_.Value.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy")+"'),0) as wipr, p.price,nvl(ttr.quantity *cusf_last_wiprice(c.article,l.id,'"+Begin_.Value.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy")+"'),0) as sumprih,nvl(ttr.quantity * p.price,0) as sumprod,nvl(cusf_last_wiquant(c.article,l.id,'"+Begin_.Value.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy")+"'),0) as quant ,nvl(cusf_last_widate(c.article, l.id, '"+Begin_.Value.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy")+"'),null) as lastdat from ttremains ttr,smstorelocations l,smcard c,sacardclass cc, smprices p,smpricetypes pt
where cc.id = c.idclass
and p.pricetype = pt.id
and p.article = c.article
and p.storeloc = l.id
and c.article = ttr.article
and l.id = ttr.storeloc
and c.article not in (Select ssc.article
from smdocuments dsc, smspec ssc, smstorelocations lsc
where dsc.id = ssc.docid
and dsc.doctype = ssc.doctype
and dsc.createdat >= to_date('"+Begin_.Value.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy")+"', 'dd.mm.yyyy')
and dsc.createdat <= to_date('"+Begin_.Value.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy")+"', 'dd.mm.yyyy')
and dsc.doctype in ('CS', 'WO')
and lsc.id = dsc.locationfrom
and lsc.id in
(select ll.id
from smstorelocations ll
where upper(ll.name) like upper('%"+Mesto.Text+"%') and ll.id not in (-1,1,2,10,13,14,22,34,35,40,45,48,51,52,54,55,56,57,58,59,60))
group by ssc.article)
and l.id in (select loc2.id
from smstorelocations loc2
where upper(loc2.name) like upper('%"+Mesto.Text+"%')))
Select prod.loc,prod.grp,prod.art,prod.naim,prod.ttr,prod.wipr,prod.price,prod.sumprih,prod.sumprod,prod.quant,prod.lastdat from prod
where prod.art not in (Select swi.article
from smdocuments dwi, smspec swi, smstorelocations lwi
where dwi.id = swi.docid
and dwi.doctype = swi.doctype
and dwi.createdat >= to_date('&Начало',
and dwi.createdat <= to_date('&Конец', 'dd.mm.yyyy')
and dwi.doctype in ('WI')
and lwi.id = dwi.locationto
and lwi.id in
(select loc.id
from smstorelocations loc
where upper(loc.name) like upper('%&Место%')
and loc.id not in (-1,1,2,10,13,14,22,34,35,40,45,48,51,52,54,55,56,57,58,59,60))
group by swi.article)
Добрый день!
Не знаю почему, но такая конструкция отказывается работать в FastReport Супермага
Мастер ругается на ошибку парсера
В тексте отчета пишу то же самое.
Раньше с фастом знаком не был.
RepHost host;
private void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
host = new RepHost(Report);
SqlFormat("begin supermag.remains.calcfromsqlplus(to_date('"+Begin_.Value.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy")+"','dd.mm.yyyy')); end;"));
TableDataSource remains = Report.GetDataSource("rem") as TableDataSource;
remains.SelectCommand =
"with prod as (Select l.name as loc,l.id as idp,rep_getcardclasspath(cc.tree,1,1) as grp,c.article as art,replace(c.name,chr(9),' ')as naim ,nvl(ttr.quantity,0) as ttr,nvl(cusf_last_wiprice(c.article,l.id,'"+Begin_.Value.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy")+"'),0) as wipr, p.price,nvl(ttr.quantity *cusf_last_wiprice(c.article,l.id,'"+Begin_.Value.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy")+"'),0) as sumprih,nvl(ttr.quantity * p.price,0) as sumprod,nvl(cusf_last_wiquant(c.article,l.id,'"+Begin_.Value.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy")+"'),0) as quant ,nvl(cusf_last_widate(c.article, l.id, '"+Begin_.Value.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy")+"'),null) as lastdat from ttremains ttr,smstorelocations l,smcard c,sacardclass cc, smprices p,smpricetypes pt "+
"where cc.id = c.idclass "+
"and p.pricetype = pt.id "+
"and p.article = c.article "+
"and p.storeloc = l.id "+
"and c.article = ttr.article "+
"and l.id = ttr.storeloc "+
"and c.article not in (Select ssc.article "+
"from smdocuments dsc, smspec ssc, smstorelocations lsc "+
"where dsc.id = ssc.docid "+
"and dsc.doctype = ssc.doctype "+
"and dsc.createdat >= to_date('"+Begin_.Value.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy")+"', 'dd.mm.yyyy') "+
"and dsc.createdat <= to_date('"+Begin_.Value.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy")+"', 'dd.mm.yyyy') "+
"and dsc.doctype in ('CS', 'WO') "+
"and lsc.id = dsc.locationfrom "+
"and lsc.id in "+
"(select ll.id "+
"from smstorelocations ll "+
"where upper(ll.name) like upper('%"+Mesto.Text+"%') and ll.id not in (-1,1,2,10,13,14,22,34,35,40,45,48,51,52,54,55,56,57,58,59,60)) "+
"group by ssc.article) "+
"and l.id in (select loc2.id "+
"from smstorelocations loc2 "+
"where upper(loc2.name) like upper('%"+Mesto.Text+"%'))) "+
"Select prod.loc,prod.grp,prod.art,prod.naim,prod.ttr,prod.wipr,prod.price,prod.sumprih,prod.sumprod,prod.quant,prod.lastdat from prod "+
"where prod.art not in (Select swi.article "+
"from smdocuments dwi, smspec swi, smstorelocations lwi "+
"where dwi.id = swi.docid "+
"and dwi.doctype = swi.doctype "+
"and dwi.createdat >= to_date('&Начало', "+
" 'dd.mm.yyyy') "+
"and dwi.createdat <= to_date('&Конец', 'dd.mm.yyyy') "+
"and dwi.doctype in ('WI') "+
"and lwi.id = dwi.locationto "+
"and lwi.id in "+
"(select loc.id "+
"from smstorelocations loc "+
"where upper(loc.name) like upper('%&Место%') "+
"and loc.id not in (-1,1,2,10,13,14,22,34,35,40,45,48,51,52,54,55,56,57,58,59,60)) "+
"group by swi.article) ";
В общем как быть не знаю.
По факту надо получить товар у которого за период не было движения
и соответственно был приход в период или был ранее начала периода
Я чет уже подзапарился.
Готов поделиться средствами.Может кто поможет.