текст команды: SELECT t.article, t.price, supermag.russianspell.PriceCardString(0, t.price) as grn, supermag.russianspell.PriceCardString(2, t.price) as kop, supermag.russianspell.PriceCardString(0, t.oldprice) as oldprice_grn, supermag.russianspell.PriceCardString(2, t.oldprice) as oldprice_kop, t.RubName, t.KopName, (select p.PropVal from supermag.SMCardProperties p where p.Article=t.Article and p.PropID='Sys.Composition') Composition, (select p.PropVal from supermag.SMCardProperties p where p.Article=t.Article and p.PropID='Sys.BrandName') BrandName, (select p.PropVal from supermag.SMCardProperties p where p.Article=t.Article and p.PropID='Vesy_number') Vesy_number, t.name, t.cardcomment, t.country, t.qtyprint, t.unitname, t.isscale, t.plu, t.price_ma, supermag.russianspell.PriceCardString(0, t.price_ma) as price_ma1, supermag.russianspell.PriceCardString(2, t.price_ma) as price_ma2, t.ma_id, t.ma_datebegin, t.ma_dateend FROM ( SELECT t_pr.article, (case when d.docstate=2 then ROUND(sp.itemprice*t_pr.qty, t_pr.priceprec) else t_pr.price end ) price, (case when d.docstate=2 then t_pr.price else (select ROUND(ph.price*t_pr.qty, t_pr.priceprec) from supermag.SMPriceHistory ph where (eventtime, recid) = (select max(eventtime), max(recid) from supermag.SMPriceHistory where article = ph.article and storeloc = ph.storeloc and pricetype = ph.pricetype and ROUND(price*t_pr.qty, t_pr.priceprec) != t_pr.price) and ph.storeloc = 2 and ph.article = t_pr.article and ph.pricetype = 0 and ROUND(ph.price*t_pr.qty, t_pr.priceprec) != t_pr.price) end ) oldprice, t_pr.RubName, t_pr.KopName, t_pr.name, t_pr.cardcomment, t_pr.country, t_pr.qtyprint, t_pr.unitname, t_pr.isscale, t_pr.plu, sp.itemprice price_ma, d.id ma_id, TRUNC (au.datebegin) ma_datebegin, TRUNC (au.dateend) ma_dateend FROM supermag.svpricecard t_pr, supermag.smdocuments d, supermag.SMSpecMA sp, supermag.smauctions au WHERE t_pr.article = sp.article AND d.doctype = 'MA' AND d.id = sp.docid AND d.doctype = sp.doctype AND t_pr.article = sp.article AND d.id = au.id AND d.doctype = au.doctype AND d.docstate >= 2 AND au.dateend > SYSDATE AND (2,0) IN (SELECT am.locid, am.pricetype FROM supermag.smauctionatoms am WHERE am.aucid = d.id AND am.doctype = d.doctype) ) t ORDER BY ma_id, article
Вот текст команды.
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