select article, locid, sum(fi), avg(ost) from (select dt, article, locid, sum(quant) over(partition by locid, article order by dt) ost, case when (sum(quant) over(partition by locid, article order by dt)) > 0 then 1 else 0 end as fi from (select dt, article, sum(quantity) quant, locid from (select d.createdat dt, t.article, t.quantity, d.locationto locid from smdocuments d, smspec t where d.doctype in ('WI', 'IW', 'CR') and d.docstate >= 2 and d.doctype = t.doctype and = t.docid and d.createdat <= &DateEnd and t.article in (select article from smcardassort where idassort = &assort) union all select d1.createdat dt, t1.article, -t1.quantity quantity, d1.locationfrom locid from smdocuments d1, smspec t1 where d1.doctype in ('WO', 'IW', 'CS') and d1.docstate >= 2 and d1.doctype = t1.doctype and = t1.docid and d1.createdat <= &DateEnd and t1.article in (select article from smcardassort where idassort = &assort) union all select a.dt dt, b.article, 0 quantity, locid from dates a, smcard b, smstorelocations c where a.dt between '01.04.2004' and &dateend and b.article in (select article from smcardassort where idassort = &assort) and <> -1) group by dt, article, locid)) where dt between &DateStart and &DateEnd group by locid, article
SELECT DISTINCT saledate, loc, article, SUM (ost) OVER (PARTITION BY article, loc ORDER BY saledate) ost, SUM (sum_ost) OVER (PARTITION BY article, loc ORDER BY saledate) sum_ost FROM (SELECT saledate, loc, article, SUM (q) ost, SUM (summ2) sum_ost FROM (SELECT d.saledate, d.article, DECODE (d.salelocationto, -2, d.salelocationfrom, d.salelocationto) loc, DECODE (d.salelocationto, -2, -d.saleq, d.saleq) q, DECODE (d.salelocationto, -2, -d.primecost, d.primecost) summ2 FROM fvmaprep d WHERE d.saledate < TO_DATE ('01.07.2013', '') AND d.rectype = NVL(1,UID) UNION ALL SELECT /*+ PARALLEL(D, 2) */ DISTINCT a.COLUMN_VALUE saledate, d.article, DECODE (d.salelocationto, -2, d.salelocationfrom, d.salelocationto) loc, 0 q, 0 summ2 FROM table (vit_dat_rang.gen_range (TO_DATE ('01.06.2013', ''), TO_DATE ('31.06.2013', ''))) a, fvmaprep d WHERE d.saledate < TO_DATE ('01.07.2013', '') AND d.rectype = NVL(1,UID) ) GROUP BY saledate, article, loc )
CREATE OR REPLACE package body vit_dat_rang as function gen_range(start_date date, end_date date) return date_range_tbl pipelined is cur_date date; begin cur_date := trunc(start_date); while (cur_date <= trunc(end_date)) loop pipe row(cur_date); cur_date := cur_date + 1; end loop; return; end; end; /
FROM table (vit_dat_rang.gen_range (TO_DATE ('01.06.2013', ''), TO_DATE ('31.06.2013', ''))) a, fvmaprep d WHERE d.saledate < TO_DATE ('01.07.2013', '') AND d.rectype = NVL(1,UID)
Plan 23 SELECT STATEMENT ALL_ROWS Cost: 2130513900 Bytes: 2001718258 Cardinality: 141222038 Partition #: 0 22 WINDOW BUFFER Cost: 2130513900 Bytes: 2001718258 Cardinality: 141222038 Partition #: 0 21 SORT GROUP BY Cost: 2130513900 Bytes: 2001718258 Cardinality: 141222038 Partition #: 0 20 VIEW SUPERMAG. Cost: 1947031979 Bytes: 2001718258 Cardinality: 141222038 Partition #: 0 19 UNION-ALL Cost: 0 Bytes: 0 Cardinality: 0 Partition #: 0 6 VIEW SUPERMAG. Cost: 238869 Bytes: 1016996606 Cardinality: 52593702 Partition #: 0 5 UNION-ALL Cost: 0 Bytes: 0 Cardinality: 0 Partition #: 0 3 PARTITION RANGE ITERATOR Cost: 62763 Bytes: 293698528 Cardinality: 8638192 Partition #: 7 Partitions accessed #1 - #43 2 PARTITION LIST ALL Cost: 62763 Bytes: 293698528 Cardinality: 8638192 Partition #: 8 Partitions accessed #1 - #LAST 1 TABLE ACCESS FULL SUPERMAG.FFMAPREP [Analyzed] Cost: 62763 Bytes: 293698528 Cardinality: 8638192 Partition #: 8 Partitions accessed #1 - #338 4 TABLE ACCESS FULL SUPERMAG.FFMAPREP_ [Analyzed] Cost: 176106 Bytes: 1494487340 Cardinality: 43955510 Partition #: 0 18 HASH UNIQUE Cost: 1946793110 Bytes: 579591184 Cardinality: 88628336 Partition #: 0 17 MERGE JOIN CARTESIAN Cost: 83177829 Bytes: 579591184 Cardinality: 88628336 Partition #: 0 14 PX COORDINATOR Cost: 0 Bytes: 0 Cardinality: 0 Partition #: 0 13 PX SEND QC (RANDOM) PARALLEL_TO_SERIAL SYS.:TQ10000 Cost: 209307 Cardinality: 52593702 Partition #: 0 12 VIEW PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT SUPERMAG. Cost: 209307 Cardinality: 52593702 Partition #: 0 11 UNION-ALL PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT Cost: 0 Bytes: 0 Cardinality: 0 Partition #: 0 8 PX BLOCK ITERATOR PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_CHILD Cost: 55543 Bytes: 215954800 Cardinality: 8638192 Partition #: 17 Partitions accessed #1 - #LAST 7 TABLE ACCESS FULL PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT SUPERMAG.FFMAPREP [Analyzed] Cost: 55543 Bytes: 215954800 Cardinality: 8638192 Partition #: 17 Partitions accessed #1 - #338 10 PX BLOCK ITERATOR PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_CHILD Cost: 153763 Bytes: 1098887750 Cardinality: 43955510 Partition #: 0 9 TABLE ACCESS FULL PARALLEL_COMBINED_WITH_PARENT SUPERMAG.FFMAPREP_ [Analyzed] Cost: 153763 Bytes: 1098887750 Cardinality: 43955510 Partition #: 0 16 BUFFER SORT Cost: 83177829 Bytes: 16336 Cardinality: 8168 Partition #: 0 15 COLLECTION ITERATOR PICKLER FETCH VIT_DAT_RANG.GEN_RANGE Cost: 0 Bytes: 0 Cardinality: 0 Partition #: 0