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копия не катит, есть форма которую нужно заполнить: Наименование товара/услуги Сумма услуги (с НДС) Ставка НДС, %
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Вложение 8782 Из УКМ-а
select i.id, i.stock_name, i.stock_id, i.name, i.var, i.item, i.measurement, i.total_quantity, i.total,
i.var_quantity, i.var_tare, i.quantity,i.price, i.min_price, i.blocked_discount,i.measurement,
i.measurement_precision, i.classif, i.type, i.link_item, i.weight, i.input, i.position, i.remain, i.pricelist, i.tax, i.cash_id, i.receipt_header, i.seller_name, i.seller_code, i2.
link_item as link,
dish.id as dish_id, dish.short_name, dish.comment, dish.min_additives, dish.max_free_additives, dish.max_additives, dish.rmenu
from trm_out_receipt_header h
inner join trm_out_receipt_item i on h.cash_id= i.cash_id and h.id = i.receipt_header
left join trm_out_receipt_item i2 on i2.cash_id = i.cash_id and i2.receipt_header = i.receipt_header and i2.link_item = i.id
left join trm_out_receipt_dish dish on dish.id = i.id and dish.cash_id = i.cash_id
where h.cash_id=? and i.receipt_header=?