24.08.12 01:03:03 -- |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 24.08.12 01:03:03 -- ||||||||| Start server ||||||||| 24.08.12 01:03:03 -- |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 24.08.12 01:03:03 -- DB status : OPEN 24.08.12 01:03:04 -- Client ID : _______.SERVER.24556283150461960 24.08.12 01:03:04 -- Check program status... 24.08.12 01:03:04 -- Validation check... 24.08.12 01:03:05 -- Client number: 199 24.08.12 01:03:06 -- Program status: Nonclient mode 24.08.12 01:03:06 -- Unregistered version 24.08.12 01:03:06 -- ............................................................................. 24.08.12 01:03:06 -- Archivelog enabled... Good. 24.08.12 01:03:07 -- Optimizer parameters check... 24.08.12 01:03:13 -- Orders optimization disabled because of Supermag version... 24.08.12 01:03:14 -- Allowed message sending (user configuration)... 24.08.12 01:03:14 -- Alert emails : -/- 24.08.12 01:03:14 -- Alert jabbers : -/- 24.08.12 01:03:14 -- All alerts disabled, because main email unconfirmed. 24.08.12 01:03:15 -- Arch : amd64 24.08.12 01:03:16 -- OS : Windows 2003 24.08.12 01:03:17 -- Java : 1.6.0_18 24.08.12 01:03:18 -- pwd : C:\optimizer4 24.08.12 01:03:20 -- IP : 24.08.12 01:03:21 -- PATH : C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin;c:\oracle\bin;C:\orant\bin;C:\Program Files\HP\NCU 24.08.12 01:03:22 -- ORACLE_SID : _______ 24.08.12 01:03:22 -- DB name : ______ 24.08.12 01:03:23 -- DB size : 122Gb 24.08.12 01:03:23 -- Big database detected.. Ooops... ;-) 24.08.12 01:03:27 -- Maintenance time... 24.08.12 01:03:27 -- RDBMS version : 10 24.08.12 01:03:27 -- Good choice.. 24.08.12 01:03:27 -- SGA is over 2Gb... 640k is enough for anyone... 24.08.12 01:03:27 -- trying cmd:o 24.08.12 01:03:27 -- Requested full regular optimization... I suppose, that you'll run it at least every 29 minutes. 24.08.12 01:03:28 -- Host name : SERVER 24.08.12 01:03:28 -- Startup time : 2012-08-23 22:29:33.0 24.08.12 01:03:28 -- DB time : 24.08.2012 01:03:28 24.08.12 01:03:29 -- DBID : 3150461960 24.08.12 01:03:29 -- Database encoding : CL8MSWIN1251 24.08.12 01:03:29 -- Redo groups count : 7 24.08.12 01:03:29 -- Enterprise Edition features detected... Cool. 24.08.12 01:03:30 -- Checking free space in tablespaces: 24.08.12 01:03:30 -- FFIDX:19Gb 24.08.12 01:03:31 -- VITO_IDX:21Gb 24.08.12 01:03:31 -- VITO_TAB:23Gb 24.08.12 01:03:32 -- FFTAB:24Gb 24.08.12 01:03:32 -- DOC01:28Gb 24.08.12 01:03:32 -- SYSAUX:30Gb 24.08.12 01:03:33 -- DOC03:30Gb 24.08.12 01:03:33 -- DOC02:31Gb 24.08.12 01:03:34 -- SYSTEM:31Gb 24.08.12 01:03:34 -- USERS:31Gb 24.08.12 01:03:34 -- INDX:40Gb 24.08.12 01:03:35 -- UNDOTBS1:63Gb 24.08.12 01:03:35 -- Check system statistics... COMPLETED 24.08.12 01:03:35 -- Checking database parameters... 24.08.12 01:03:36 -- *********************** Obsolete parameters *********************** 24.08.12 01:03:36 -- Set database parameters 24.08.12 01:03:38 -- Checking system statistic values... 24.08.12 01:03:39 -- Check supermag grants 24.08.12 01:03:41 -- ALERT! Maintenance time opened! 24.08.12 01:03:41 -- ************************ Optimizer options ************************ 24.08.12 01:03:41 -- AddBarcodes no 24.08.12 01:03:41 -- AdmEmailConfirm 29 24.08.12 01:03:41 -- AdmJabberConfirm yes 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- AdminEmail - 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- AdminJabber - 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- ArchiveLogs no 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- AutoImport none 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- BackuperDir no 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- BoredJobs no 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- BrokenCBO no 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- CheckDBParams yes 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- CheckSystem yes 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- CleanDir yes 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- CloseZAfter - 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- ContrAddGoods no 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- ContrByBarcode no 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- DelayRMAN 0 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- DelayReport 10 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- DeleteOldAC no 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- DeleteOldOR no 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- DeleteOldORBlob no 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- DisableCompile no 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- DisableCompute no 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- DisableOldStats yes 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- DisableSysStats no 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- DontUseFFMAPREP no 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- DumpFTP - 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- DumpFTP2 - 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- DumpNoArch no 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- DumpNoLimits no 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- DumpPwd - 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- FFIndexes FFIDX 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- FFTables FFTAB 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- ForceCompile yes 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- ForceMaintenance no 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- IamNoob yes 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- IgnoreLongUser 'SYS','SUPERMAG' 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- KillIdle no 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- KillLongUsers yes 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- LastAlertLog 121627 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- LastDocLog 40338542 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- LastEventLog 180414 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- LastRMAN 23.08.2012 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- LastReport 31.07.2012 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- LastTask 23.08.2012 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- LongOp 600 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- LowDiskSpace 10000 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- MaintenanceTime 22:00,6 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- ManEmailConfirm 74 24.08.12 01:03:42 -- ManJabberConfirm yes 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- ManagerEmail - 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- ManagerEmail2 - 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- ManagerJabber - 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- MaxDocDiff 60 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- MaxFreeTablespace 10 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- MaxFutureDoc 30 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- NoTabLimit no 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- ORAIgnore :06512:00054:08115:20032: 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- OnlyGoodsInRep yes 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- OptimizeOrders no 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- OrdersLimit no 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- ParallelUpload yes 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- PerformTransfer 0 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- PostMan no 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- ReallocMem yes 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- RunRMAN yes 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- SaveDump 18.08.12:19.08.12:20.08.12:21.08.12:22.08.12:23.08.12:24.08.12:25.08.12:26.08.12:27.08.12:28.08.12:29.08.12:30.08.12: 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- SecurityMode 1 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- ShiftClosed 50 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- TopCount 5 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- UseReminder yes 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- UseReport yes 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- UseXMLAudit no 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- ValidateStructure yes 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- WebStatusCode 0 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- Ninja knife : 2012-08-21 01:06:42.0 24.08.12 01:03:43 -- Gather stats... Table : "SUPERMAG"."SMDOCUMENTS" 24.08.12 01:03:44 -- Gather... 24.08.12 01:07:32 -- Validating... 24.08.12 01:11:08 -- Pigs flying : 2012-08-19 09:02:12.0 24.08.12 01:11:08 -- Gather stats... Table : "SUPERMAG"."SMSPEC" 24.08.12 01:11:09 -- Gather... 24.08.12 05:53:00 -- Optimizer for Oracle bases console version 4.10 24.08.12 05:53:00 -- C:\optimizer4
24.08.12 19:26:02 -- ********************* Non-default parameters ********************* 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- audit_file_dest C:\ADMIN\ILISHCO\ADUMP 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- audit_sys_operations FALSE 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- audit_trail XML 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- background_dump_dest C:\ADMIN\ILISHCO\BDUMP 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- commit_write batch,nowait 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- compatible 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- control_files D:\BASE\ILISHCO\CONTROL01.CTL, D:\BASE\ILISHCO\CONTROL02.CTL, D:\BASE\ILISHCO\CONTROL03.CTL 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- core_dump_dest C:\ADMIN\ILISHCO\CDUMP 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- db_block_size 8192 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- db_cache_advice OFF 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- db_cache_size 0 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- db_domain null 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- db_name ilishco 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- db_recovery_file_dest f:\backup 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- db_recovery_file_dest_size 1507374182400 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- db_recycle_cache_size 33554432 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- dispatchers (PROTOCOL=TCP)(LISTENER=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST= 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- fast_start_mttr_target 600 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- job_queue_processes 2 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- large_pool_size 16777216 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- local_listener (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST= 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- max_dump_file_size 5000000 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- max_shared_servers 16 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- open_cursors 500 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- optimizer_dynamic_sampling 2 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- optimizer_features_enable 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- optimizer_mode ALL_ROWS 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- pga_aggregate_target 901943132 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- processes 300 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- query_rewrite_integrity stale_tolerated 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- recyclebin off 24.08.12 19:26:02 -- remote_login_passwordfile EXCLUSIVE 24.08.12 19:26:03 -- sessions 335 24.08.12 19:26:03 -- sga_max_size 12884901888 24.08.12 19:26:03 -- sga_target 12884901888 24.08.12 19:26:03 -- shared_pool_size 100663296 24.08.12 19:26:03 -- shared_servers 4 24.08.12 19:26:03 -- timed_statistics TRUE 24.08.12 19:26:03 -- trace_enabled FALSE 24.08.12 19:26:03 -- transactions_per_rollback_segment 1 24.08.12 19:26:03 -- undo_management AUTO 24.08.12 19:26:03 -- undo_retention 10800 24.08.12 19:26:03 -- undo_tablespace UNDOTBS1 24.08.12 19:26:03 -- user_dump_dest C:\ADMIN\ILISHCO\UDUMP
c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\BIN>rman target sys/qqq@db2000 nocatalog Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Fri Aug 24 11:58:09 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. connected to target database (not started) RMAN> startup nomount pfile=c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\database\INITdb2000.ORA; Oracle instance started Total System Global Area 12884901888 bytes Fixed Size 2186008 bytes Variable Size 12542846184 bytes Database Buffers 335544320 bytes Redo Buffers 4325376 bytes RMAN> restore controlfile from autobackup; Starting restore at 24-AUG-12 using channel ORA_DISK_1 recovery area destination: d:\backup database name (or database unique name) used for search: ILISHCO channel ORA_DISK_1: autobackup found in the recovery area channel ORA_DISK_1: autobackup found: D:\BACKUP\ILISHCO\AUTOBACKUP\2012_08_13\O1 _MF_S_791205878_82K3WP98_.BKP RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =============== RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-03002: failure of restore command at 08/24/2012 14:31:56 ORA-19870: error reading backup piece D:\BACKUP\ILISHCO\AUTOBACKUP\2012_08_13\O1 _MF_S_791205878_82K3WP98_.BKP ORA-19913: unable to decrypt backup ORA-28365: wallet is not open