После патча сообщение об ошибке изменилось:
Сервер лог:
Цитата: 11:51:09: 0x00000cac: INFO: AuthGPB#Терминал №1#020759d8: started
11:51:09: 0x00000cac: INFO: AuthGPB#Терминал №1#020759d8: begin operation Sale
11:51:14: 0x00000cac: FATAL: AuthGPB#Терминал №1#020759d8: error class std::runtime_error ( Conversion QStrin )
11:51:14: 0x00000cac: INFO: AuthGPB#Терминал №1#020759d8: finished
11:51:18: 0x00000e00: INFO: AuthGPB#Терминал №1#020759d8: started
11:51:18: 0x00000e00: INFO: AuthGPB#Терминал №1#020759d8: begin operation Sale
11:51:22: 0x00000e00: FATAL: AuthGPB#Терминал №1#020759d8: error class std::runtime_error ( Conversion QStrin )
11:51:22: 0x00000e00: INFO: AuthGPB#Терминал №1#020759d8: finished
Касса лог:
Цитата: 11:35:21: 0x00010004: INFO: LOGIN: operation in complete
11:36:02: 0x00004000: INFO: context: cleared stack of contexts
11:36:02: 0x00004000: INFO: context: Push front context CContextDefault[000000000000000]
11:40:28: 0x00004000: INFO: context: cleared stack of contexts
11:40:28: 0x00004000: INFO: context: Push front context CContextDefault[000000000000000p]
11:40:31: 0x00004000: INFO: context: cleared stack of contexts
11:40:31: 0x00004000: INFO: context: Push front context CContextDefault[000000000000000p]
11:42:40: 0x00004000: INFO: context: cleared stack of contexts
11:42:40: 0x00004000: INFO: context: Push front context CContextDefault[000000000000000p]
11:44:43: 0x00004000: INFO: context: cleared stack of contexts
11:44:43: 0x00004000: INFO: context: Push front context CContextDefault[000000000000000p]
11:47:58: 0x00004000: INFO: context: cleared stack of contexts
11:47:58: 0x00004000: INFO: context: Push front context CContextDefault[000000000000000p]
11:50:21: 0x00004000: INFO: context: cleared stack of contexts
11:50:21: 0x00004000: INFO: context: Push front context CContextDefault[000000000000000p]
11:56:38: 0x00004000: INFO: context: Push front context CContextReceipt[000000000000000p]
11:56:59: 0x00004000: WARNING: debug#/usr/local/storage/home/ukm/build-br-47_sp5-2010_06_09_16_37_45/ukm/libukm/ccore.cpp(5523) CreateDiscounts: Дисконтная карта '' не обслуживается
11:57:09: 0x00004000: WARNING: debug#/usr/local/storage/home/ukm/build-br-47_sp5-2010_06_09_16_37_45/ukm/libukm/ccontext_assistant.cpp(2104) HandlePayment: Операция не может быть выполнена.Conversion QStrin
11:57:15: 0x00004000: INFO: context: Pop front context CContextReceipt[000000000000000p]
11:57:38: 0x00004000: INFO: context: cleared stack of contexts
11:57:38: 0x00004000: INFO: context: Push front context CContextDefault[000000000000000p]
11:57:43: 0x00004000: INFO: main: terminating global task's
11:57:43: 0x00004000: INFO: hw: terminating poll task's
11:57:43: 0x00004000: INFO: sound#09b45868: Pending terminate request received
11:57:43: 0x00004000: INFO: NTLP#09b546b8: Pending terminate request received
11:57:43: 0x00004000: INFO: Connector to server#09b42b98: Pending terminate request received
11:57:43: 0x00004000: INFO: NTLP#09b546b8: Channel 165652632 closed
11:57:43: 0x00010004: INFO: Connector to server#09b42b98: finished
11:57:43: 0x00008002: INFO: sound#09b45868: finished
11:57:43: 0x00004000: WARNING: PROTOCOL: ChannelDied
11:57:43: 0x0000c003: INFO: NTLP#09b546b8: finished