function CF_PriceFormula return Number is
res number;
select price into res
from supermag.SMPrices
where Article = :P_Article
and StoreLoc = :P_Loc
and PriceType = :P_Price_Type;
for i in 1..5000000 loop
res := trunc(res);
end loop;
return res;
for i in 1..5000000 loop res := trunc(res); end loop;
for i in 1..5000000 loop res := trunc(res); end loop;
select supermag.RussianSpell.GetSumRub(temp,0,0) into res from dual;
function CF_PriceFormula return Number is
res number;
temp number;
temp2 number;
select price into temp2
from supermag.SMPrices
where Article = :P_Article
and StoreLoc = :P_Loc
and PriceType = :P_Price_Type;
temp := TO_CHAR(temp2);
select supermag.RussianSpell.GetSumRub(temp,0,0) into res from dual;
return res;
function CF_PriceFormula return char is
res varchar(20);
second_req varchar(20);
first_req number;
select price into first_req
from supermag.SMPrices
where Article = :P_Article
and StoreLoc = :P_Loc
and PriceType = :P_Price_Type;
second_req := TO_CHAR(first_req);
select supermag.РussianSpell.GetSumRub(second_req,0,0) into res from dual;
return res;
function CF_mesnameFormula return Char is begin return :qtyprint || ' ' || lower(:unitname); end;
function CF_mesnameFormula return Char is begin return :qtyprint || ' ' || lower(:unitname); end;