select d.DocType, d.ID DocID, d.Createdat, d.DocState,
d.ClientIndex, d.LocationTo, d.LocationFrom, d.OpCode, d.UserOp,
s.specitem, s.displayitem, s.article,
s.Quantity, s.ItemPrice, s.ItemPriceNoTax,
nvl(s.TotalPriceNoTax,0) TotalPriceNoTax, s.TotalPrice,
s.ItemPriceCur, s.TotalPriceCur,
nvl((select t.taxsum from smspectax t
where t.doctype=s.doctype
and t.docid=s.docid
and t.specitem=s.specitem
and exists (select 1 from SMTaxIdentity i
where t.TaxID = i.TaxID
and i.IdentId = 0)),0) VATSum,
nvl((select t.taxrate from smspectax t
where t.doctype=s.doctype
and t.docid=s.docid
and t.specitem=s.specitem
and exists (select 1 from SMTaxIdentity i
where t.TaxID = i.TaxID
and i.IdentId = 0)),0) VATRate,
nvl((select t.taxsum from smspectax t
where t.doctype=s.doctype
and t.docid=s.docid
and t.specitem=s.specitem
and exists (select 1 from SMTaxIdentity i
where t.TaxID = i.TaxID
and i.IdentId = 1)),0) NSPSum,
nvl((select l.QuantByDoc from SLSpecQMismatch l
where l.doctype = s.doctype
and l.docid = s.docid
and l.specitem = s.specitem), s.Quantity) QuantByDoc,
(select l.Reason from SLSpecQMismatch l
where l.doctype = s.doctype
and l.docid = s.docid
and l.specitem = s.specitem) as Reason,
s.CauseType, s.CauseID,
replace(crd.name, chr(9), ' ') name,
nvl(crd.MesAbbrev,m.Abbrev) MesAbbrev, m.Prec, m.Code MeasCode,
(select sc.SupplierArticle
from SMSupplyCase sc
where sc.Article = s.Article
and sc.IDSupplier = d.ClientIndex
) SupplierArticle,
(select sum(l.GrossWeight*decode(l.PackNum,-1,s.Quantity,l.NPacks))
from SLSpecPacks l
where l.DocType = s.DocType
and l.DocID = s.DocID
and l.SpecItem = s.SpecItem
) GrossWeight,
(select l.Country from SMSpecNacl l
where l.DocType = s.DocType
and l.DocID = s.DocID
and l.SpecItem = s.SpecItem
) Country
from SMDocuments d, SMSpec s, SMCard crd, SAMeasurement m
where crd.article = s.article
and crd.IDMeasurement = m.ID
and s.DocType = d.DocType
and s.DocID = d.ID
and d.DocType in ('WI','WO','CI')
select d.DocType, d.ID DocID, d.Createdat, d.DocState,
d.ClientIndex, d.LocationTo, d.LocationFrom, d.OpCode, d.UserOp,
t.SpecItem, t.DisplayItem, t.Article,
0 Quantity, t.ItemPrice, t.ItemPriceNoTax,
0 TotalPriceNoTax, 0 TotalPrice,
t.ItemPriceCur, 0 TotalPriceCur,
0 VATSum, t.VATRate, 0 NSPSum, t.QuantByDoc, t.Reason,
'' CauseType, '' CauseID,
replace(crd.name, chr(9), ' ') name,
nvl(crd.MesAbbrev,m.Abbrev) MesAbbrev, m.Prec, m.Code MeasCode,
(select sc.SupplierArticle
from SMSupplyCase sc
where sc.Article = t.Article
and sc.IDSupplier = d.ClientIndex
) SupplierArticle,
0 GrossWeight,
(select l.Country from SMSpecNacl l
where l.DocType = t.DocType
and l.DocID = t.DocID
and l.SpecItem = t.SpecItem
) Country
from SMDocuments d, TTPrintSp