select c.article, c.shortname, m.abbrev, round(g.quantity,2) goods, round(nvl(sl.salerate,0),2) ssreal from supermag.smcard c, supermag.sameasurement m, supermag.smgoods g, supermag.smcardassort ca, supermag.sacardassort aca, supermag.SMSTOCKLEVELS sl where c.article=ca.article and and c.article=g.article and and c.article=sl.article and g.storeloc=sl.storeloc and aca.tree='дерево' and g.storeloc=ид_мх order by c.shortname
select c.article, c.shortname, m.abbrev, round(g.quantity,2) goods, round(nvl(sl.salerate,0),2) ssreal from supermag.smcard c, supermag.sameasurement m, supermag.smgoods g, supermag.smcardassort ca, supermag.sacardassort aca, supermag.SMSTOCKLEVELS sl where c.article=ca.article and and c.article=g.article and and g.article=sl.article(+) and g.storeloc=sl.storeloc(+) and aca.tree='дерево' and g.storeloc=ид_мх order by c.shortname
select c.article, c.shortname, m.abbrev, round(g.quantity,2) goods, round(nvl(sl.salerate,0),2) ssreal from supermag.smcard c, supermag.sameasurement m, supermag.smgoods g, supermag.smcardassort ca, supermag.sacardassort aca, supermag.SMSTOCKLEVELS sl where c.article=ca.article and and c.article=g.article and and g.article=sl.article(+) and g.storeloc=sl.storeloc(+) and aca.tree='дерево' and g.storeloc=ид_мх order by c.shortname
select art, z.suppl suppl, y.loc locate from (select art, z.locationto loc, max(z.rd) ra from (select MAX(rownum) rd, X.Supplier, X.Art, X.SupplDate, X.DocID, (select LocationTo from SMDocuments D where D.DocType = 'WI' and D.ID = X.DocID) LocationTo from (select Supplier, Art, substr(max_data, 9) DocID, to_date(substr(max_data, 1, 8), 'YYYYMMDD') SupplDate from (select D.ClientIndex as Supplier, S.Article as Art, max(to_char(D.Createdat, 'YYYYMMDD') || max_data from SMSpec S, SMDocuments D where D.DocType = S.DocType and S.DocID = D.ID and S.DocType = 'WI' and D.DocState = 3 and D.OpCode = 0 group by D.ClientIndex, S.Article) order by substr(max_data, 9), to_date(substr(max_data, 1, 8), 'YYYYMMDD') desc) X, SMSpec S where S.DocType = 'WI' and S.DocID = X.DocID and S.Article = X.Art group by X.Supplier, X.Art, X.SupplDate, X.DocID order by X.Art, X.SupplDate) z group by, z.locationto order by, z.locationto, max(z.rd)) y, (select MAX(rownum) rd, X.Supplier suppl, X.Art, X.SupplDate, X.DocID DID from (select Supplier, Art, substr(max_data, 9) DocID, to_date(substr(max_data, 1, 8), 'YYYYMMDD') SupplDate from (select D.ClientIndex as Supplier, S.Article as Art, max(to_char(D.Createdat, 'YYYYMMDD') || max_data from SMSpec S, SMDocuments D where D.DocType = S.DocType and S.DocID = D.ID and S.DocType = 'WI' and D.DocState = 3 and D.OpCode = 0 group by D.ClientIndex, S.Article) order by substr(max_data, 9), to_date(substr(max_data, 1, 8), 'YYYYMMDD') desc) X, SMSpec S where S.DocType = 'WI' and S.DocID = X.DocID and S.Article = X.Art group by X.Supplier, X.Art, X.SupplDate, X.DocID order by X.Art, X.SupplDate) z where y.ra = z.rd
select t.article, t.locationto, t.lcl, from (select article, locationto, max(clientindex) keep (dense_rank last order by createdat) lcl from smspec, smdocuments where id=docid and opcode=0 and docstate=3 and trunc(createdat)>=sysdate-120 group by article, locationto) t, smclientinfo cl where order by t.article
select t.article, t.locationto, t.lcl, from (select article, locationto, max(clientindex) keep (dense_rank last order by createdat) lcl from smspec, smdocuments where id=docid and opcode=0 and docstate=3 and trunc(createdat)>=sysdate-120 group by article, locationto) t, smclientinfo cl where order by t.article