На бегу, поэтому не особо разбирался.
Цитата: ERROR: Abnormal termination, Error Code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
Fault address: 6724C2F1 01:0008B2F1
Module: E:\ORA6i\BIN\UIW60.DLL
Operating System: Windows NT Version 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4
Command line: "E:\ORA6i\BIN\ifrun60.EXE" initiale un/pw@db
If the forms application is run using a non unicode character set, for example, WE8MSWIN1252, there is no crash or error.
Цитата: Solution
There is no patch or fix. Instead use one of the following work-arounds:
1. Open Forms Builder with NLS_LANG character set UTF8, and rebuild the module from scratch
2. Open Forms Builder with NLS_LANG character set UTF8 or MSWIN1252, and manually remove
all occurrences of the problematic characters.
Короче, на уровне системы поставь NLS_LANG = AMERICAN_AMERICA.CL8MSWIN1251