19.02.2007 12:28
select segment_name TableName,
       sum(bytes) TotalBytes,
       sum(case when ObjectType='TABLE' then bytes end) TableBytes,
       sum(case when ObjectType='INDEX' then bytes end) IndexBytes,
       sum(case when ObjectType='LOB' then bytes end) LobBytes,
       sum(case when ObjectType='NESTED' then bytes end) NestedBytes
from   (--Собственно, таблицы.
        select s.segment_name,sum(bytes) Bytes,'TABLE' ObjectType
        from dba_segments s
        where s.segment_type in ('TABLE','TABLE PARTITION')
          and s.owner = 'SUPERMAG'
        group by s.segment_name
         union all
        -- Для учета индексов
        select i.table_name,sum(bytes) Bytes,'INDEX' ObjectType
        from   dba_segments s,
               dba_indexes i
        where  s.segment_type in ('INDEX','INDEX PARTITION')
          and  i.index_name = s.segment_name
          and  i.owner = s.owner
          and  i.table_owner = 'SUPERMAG'
        group by i.table_name
         union all
        -- Для учета LOB-колонок
        select t.table_name,sum(bytes) Bytes,'LOB' ObjectType
        from   dba_segments s,
               dba_lobs l,
               dba_lobs li,
               dba_tables t
        where  s.owner = 'SUPERMAG' 
          and  s.segment_type like 'LOB%'
          and  l.segment_name(+) = s.segment_name
          and  li.index_name(+) = s.segment_name
          and  t.table_name = nvl(l.table_name,li.table_name)
          and  t.owner = s.owner
        group by t.table_name
         union all
        -- Для учета NESTED-TABLES
        select nt.parent_table_name,sum(bytes) Bytes,'NESTED' ObjectType
        from   dba_segments s,
               dba_nested_tables nt
        where  s.segment_type like 'NEST%'
          and  s.owner='SUPERMAG'
          and  nt.owner = s.owner
          and  nt.table_name = s.segment_name
        group by nt.parent_table_name)
group by segment_name
взято тут
12.02.2025 03:15
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