Цитата: FATAL ERROR: Network error: Software caused connection abort
09.06.2017 - 0:16:52,28 vpn start...
Looking up host "IPSERVERA"
Connecting to IPSERVERA port 22
We claim version: SSH-2.0-PuTTY_Release_0.67
Server version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_7.1
Using SSH protocol version 2
Doing Diffie-Hellman group exchange
Doing Diffie-Hellman key exchange with hash SHA-256
Host key fingerprint is:
ssh-rsa 2048 28:4d:11:51:50:8c:b6:f6:98:52:52:85:95:f7:09:7f
Initialised AES-256 SDCTR client->server encryption
Initialised HMAC-SHA-256 client->server MAC algorithm
Initialised AES-256 SDCTR server->client encryption
Initialised HMAC-SHA-256 server->client MAC algorithm
Using username "vnc".
Attempting keyboard-interactive authentication
Server refused keyboard-interactive authentication
Sent password
Access granted
Local port 55014 forwarding to IPSERVERA:25014
Requesting remote port 25014 forward to localhost:5900
Requesting remote port 35014 forward to localhost:10050
Requesting remote port 45014 forward to localhost:8080
Remote debug message: Forwarding listen address "localhost" overridden by server GatewayPorts
Remote port forwarding from 25014 refused
Remote debug message: Forwarding listen address "localhost" overridden by server GatewayPorts
Remote port forwarding from 35014 refused
Remote debug message: Forwarding listen address "localhost" overridden by server GatewayPorts
Remote port forwarding from 45014 refused
и так что мы видим на самом деле...
это один из примеров отвалившихся хостов...
для соединения используется слудующая конструкция...
Цитата: C:\Promix\Tunnel2\plink.exe -v -ssh -N -R 25014:localhost:5900 -R 35014:localhost:10050 -R 45014:localhost:8080 -L 55014:IPSERVERA:25014 -P 22 -pw 111 -l vnc -batch IPSERVERA >> vpnlog.txt 2>&1
что имеем... рвется соединение...
моя хрень которая мониторит тоннель видит это... перезапускает тоннель...
и при повторном соединении
Цитата: Remote port forwarding from refused
такое впечатление что соединения висят на стороне сервера и поэтому не дают переконнектится...
есть идеи? может что на сервере не так...
через 10 минут перезапускаю руками
Цитата: Requesting remote port 25014 forward to localhost:5900
Requesting remote port 35014 forward to localhost:10050
Requesting remote port 45014 forward to localhost:8080
Remote debug message: Forwarding listen address "localhost" overridden by server GatewayPorts
Remote port forwarding from 25014 enabled
Remote debug message: Forwarding listen address "localhost" overridden by server GatewayPorts
Remote port forwarding from 35014 enabled
Remote debug message: Forwarding listen address "localhost" overridden by server GatewayPorts
Remote port forwarding from 45014 enabled
все ок