Последний раз предлагаю... Поверьте хоть самому ораклу:
Цитата: RX8640!oracle ~ (2) >oerr ORA 12545
12545, 00000, "Connect failed because target host or object does not exist"
// *Cause: The address specified is not valid, or the program being
// connected to does not exist.
// *Action: Ensure the ADDRESS parameters have been entered correctly; the
// most likely incorrect parameter is the node name. Ensure that the
// executable for the server exists (perhaps "oracle" is missing.)
// If the protocol is TCP/IP, edit the TNSNAMES.ORA file to change the
// host name to a numeric IP address and try again.
Cделайте оба tnsnames
на сервере cо следующим содержанием:
Цитата: Содержание файла TNSNAMES:
# TNSNAMES.ORA Network Configuration File: C:\oracle\ora92\network\admin\tnsnames.ora
# Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
regionco =
(SID = regionco)